10 Ways to Make Easy Money in One Day Quick Cash

1. Rent out Your Apartment and Go Stay with a Friend

I've actually done this one so I know it's possible, but I live in Manhattan where you can rent out just about anything for the right price. These days, it's so easy to list a temporary rental on Craigslist, anyone can do it. If you live in a busy destination spot or you know of a big upcoming event in your town, consider using your house or apartment to earn money.

2. Sell Plasma

This has been a tried-and-true method to earn fast cash for a long time now. Why? Because it works. Apparently, selling blood is illegal but selling plasma isn't. If you want to do this, just Google "where can I sell plasma in [your town]" and go from there.
Garage sales are easy and fun.
Garage sales are easy and fun.

3. Have a Garage Sale

Sure, it's been done, but still, it's a great way to get rid of your old junk and make some easy cash. You say you don't have enough stuff? Well, hit up your friends, family, and neighbors. I'm sure they have enough old stuff that they would be glad to get rid of!

4. Sell Something on Craigslist or eBay

If your stuff is too valuable for a garage sale, put up an ad and sell it. Again, see if your neighbor, friend, or acquaintance has any items they'd like to sell and offer to do it for them for a cut. Many people are too busy to do it themselves and they would be glad for your help. You'd be surprised at what people will buy!

5. Collect Bottles and Cans

This is what I call homeless work, but hey, homeless people aren't collecting bottles and cans for nothing! For every recyclable container you bring in, you can earn approximately 5 to 10 cents, and it adds up quickly.

6. Borrow It

If you have family or friends, ask them for a loan. Why not? The worst they can do is say no and think less of you, but maybe they'll understand. Keep your mind on the cash, baby! If you have no friends, there are other people that will lend you money (see the video at the end of this article), although of course the terms may not be the greatest and you do have to have good credit.

7. Babysit

Babysitters make about $10.00 an hour (depending on your area and how many kids are being watched). If I were you, I'd pile them in. Of course, you don't want Children's Protective Services on your case, so keep it to five kids at a time and you'll earn around $50.00 an hour (if you can handle it).
Sell your old books for extra cash.
Sell your old books for extra cash.

8. Sell Your Old Books

Many cities have bookstores that will buy old books. I've sold over 100 books at a store called Book-Off. From what I understand, Strand's also buys books. I've also sold books at Powell's bookstore in Portland, Oregon. Usually you don't get much for your books. In New York I only got, on average, a dollar per book, but I sold all 150 books I brought for a total of $150. It isn't much but it's better than nothing for books that you don't want or have already read.

9. Shovel Snow

If it's snowing, put an offer on Craigslist to shovel snow. This is pretty self-explanatory, but I'll explain anyway. Check out other snow-shovelers, see what they are charging, and then undercut them a little. A little competition never hurt anyone and hey, you're desperate, right!

10. Pawn Something

You know that ring your great aunt left you that you never wear? Pawn it! You can get it back later if you want to.

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