Make money by Membership Site

Although this has been around forever I've particularly started noticing it quite recently and I LOVE IT. At least as a business model.
The idea is basically to create a community of like-minded individuals and give them access to each other as well as instruction to help them achieve their mutal goals.
The math on these is quite astounding, as you generally see people charge between $20-$100/month. That means for each sign up they are getting a monthly recurring income of $20-$100. So, if you can get a few hundred sign ups leveraging your audience, well, do the math.
A few of the ones I am aware of (though there are many, that's for sure) are:
Entrepreneur On Fire's Podcasting Paradise - A community for podcasters from John Dumas.
Tung Tran Cloud Living Membership - Community For niche website builders.

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